Ciutat de Vidre

2016 | Director Playwright

Scenic technology - Text - Theatre

A phone call to a wrong number unleashes the action of one of the American writer Paul Auster’s best-known novels, the first of the acclaimed Trilogy of New York. A mysterious interlocutor calls Daniel Quinn, asking for a private detective named Paul Auster, which gives rise to an intriguing and disturbing plot.

The literary work inspired the creation of a graphic novel by Paul Karasik and David Mazzuchelli. From this comic strip, the Obskené theatre company explores the interaction between projections of black and white drawings and the interpretations of three actors who give life to a multitude of the book’s characters on the stage. Comedy, theatre and literature come together in this show.

2015 Adrià Gual Award for Best Scenic Project of the Institut del Teatre.

Authors: Paul Auster, David Mazzucchelli & Paul Karasik | Translation: Joan Sellent | Dramaturgy: Mònica Bofill & Ricard Soler Mallol | Direction: Ricard Soler Mallol | Performers: Joan Arqué, Pepo Blasco y Nuri Santaló | Daniel voice: Gabriel Bofill | Set design: Josep Carreras | Lightning design: Adrià Pinar | Costumes: Carlota Ricart | Sound design: Ariane Lamarre| Video: Adrià Pinar & Mònica Bofill | Choreography: Andreu Martínez | Asistant directionn: Mònica Bofill | Production: Nuri Santaló | A coproduction of Obskené and Festival Grec de Barcelona.
Ciutat de vidre premiered on July 27, 2016 at Mercat de Flors in the Festival Grec de Barcelona.