Buenos Aires

2010 | Director

Theatre - Text

Buenos Aires. An unemployed physics teacher, a real estate agent, an aspiring painter, and a Welshman are roomates, helping each other to extricate themselves from their respective decadences.

Three characters hit by a fierce economic crisis and a Welshman fleeing a terrible experience desperately try to get out of poverty and become millionares by creating a plan to defraud NASA. Without wanting to or understanding it, the plan turns into a true source of hope for each of the characters. An acidic and intelligent comedy at the moment where reality leaves us without a plan B.

To summarize: a hilarious plot with a helium balloon, a chicken, a fax to NASA, a bar in a suitcase, a cumbia, a gun that is missing a bullet ...

Author: Rafael Spregelburd | Director: Ricard Soler | Performers: Constanza Aguirre, Angel Inzunza, Andrea Madrid, Berta Reixac, Sergi Torrecilla. | Set design: Josep Carreras | Lighting: Ricard Soler | Assistant director: Josep Miquel Muñoz